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The Academy Raja Yoga Netherlands (formerly foundation) has been a nationally and internationally recognized training institute in the field of yoga sciences for over 35 years. We apply all classical yoga forms integrally.


Our institute was founded in the early 1990s by police officers, who discovered that classical yoga is a valuable investment for the well-being of people and that it is important to spread the knowledge about it without commercial intent. That is still our ideal goal. Everyone is very welcome to follow our yoga education as a student.


Our education system is laid down in a general training plan, which is recognized by the International Yoga Federation and the trade association Collaborating Yoga Teachers Netherlands (Benelux) ( SYN ). Their complaints procedure applies to us. The training institute is recognized by both organizations. This means that diplomas and certificates have a recognized status.


As an institute, we use the following education system: secondary education (basic training , workshops, courses), secondary vocational education ( teacher training , yoga therapy training), higher vocational education (master classes, master training ) and scientific education ( grandmaster training ). The number of mandatory hours for the courses, etc., is tailored to the requirements of SYN, IYF and other international institutes. If there is serious interest, interested people will receive a study guide, so that it is clear in advance what the content and costs of our courses, etc.


Our Academy has had a long-standing relationship with the Himalayan tradition (ashram of Swami Râma Sadhaka Grama in Rishikesh), a collaboration with the Belgian Academy Tula and with the Collaborating Yoga Teachers Netherlands (Benelux).


At the beginning of 2019, our institute switched to providing ONLINE yoga education. It has proven to be a particularly efficient way of transferring knowledge. This encourages the student to also do the assigned homework at home. Another advantage is that our students do not waste time traveling and driving unnecessarily in traffic jams. Furthermore, there are no limits for our ONLINE students. Students regularly follow our courses who are temporarily abroad. Finally, our fixed costs are low, which allows us to keep the costs of training, etc., low.


The teachers and guest teachers have made their mark in the field of yoga sciences.